I AM Safe to receive the love that I deeply desire
Join RozyGlow and the StarPeace Collective for this months personal healing, manifesting ritual and world service CoCreation.
I AM Embodying the frequency of Divine Sacred Union.
I AM surrendering my ancestors' stories of heartache and heartbreak and writing my own love story.
What’s in the way of you receiving the love that you want? Your own resistance to it!
Join me for this Month’s full moon manifesting circle to clear up conscious and subconscious resistance to the love you desire so you can get out of your way and open the door to more.
HINT: We all have an inner martyr and narcissist wound to heal. Whether overt or covert, these wounds mean we project into the world what we fear rather than desire when it comes to love.
Whether you feel that you have to self sacrifice in order to receive love, or you want love but push it away because you fear being controlled or being hurt again, now is the time to address the deeper wounds that keep you stuck in a rut.
This will stop the endless cycle of getting what you subconsciously expect, rather than what you truly and deeply desire.
Now more than ever, it is vital we root down into the foundations of CoCreating everything from LOVE. This is how we activate the Divine Matrix in our own lives and stop living out the patterns of survival we inherited from our ancestors.
Our New Earth Reality is founded in LOVE not fear, so I AM inviting you to join me for a transformational experience that transmutes rotten roots into seeds of change.
These sessions are live and interactive. If you can show up live, please do as your energy forms part of the CoCreation and you will notice the benefits.
For those on low-income there is an option to pay £11.11. Please follow this link.
Purchase a one full moon activation, healing, resistance clearing cocreation circle pass. You will gain access to the live and replay.