Online Full Moon Activation, Healing & Resistance Clearing Meditation Circle


Upgrading the ‘lack lens’ we have been taught to see through:
Anchoring the feeling sensations we brought to light during the new moon Lion's Gate activation masterclass.

Clearing away resistance to having more of what we desire, which lurks in our subconscious programming around what we call into being.

Cast your mind back to the last new moon masterclass where we asked the following questions:

  • What does thriving mean to you
  • What does plenty feel like to you
  • How do you enjoy experiencing love most?
  • How much is more than enough?

Now we are ready to clear the resistance that has come up around plentiful supply of all resources including love and money.

Join us for a Full Moon Activation, Resistance Clearing, Healing and Reality Crafting CoCreation Meditation where we set the new frequency desired in your romance and finances and clear the patriarchal wound of gender war programming that has led to suspicion and lack between the sexes.

We are being offered a massive sacred union and wealth upgrade this lion’s gate but must be aware of the ‘stories’ we hold in our subconscious programming when it comes to relationships between the masculine and feminine aspects of our being.

So if you are fed up of always feeling hard done by, unable to trust love, romance or feeling safe to have more money, this is for you!

The monthly online CoCreation Meditations I offer help you integrate these higher frequencies at quantum speed so you can clear resistance like a badass and allow those opportunities most aligned with your Highest path to be easily aligned with and received.

This is your monthly opportunity to track and speed up the progress of the manifestation of your intentions, offer world service through the raising of your own frequency and BE the change you wish to see in the world.
50% of proceeds go to grass root efforts/charities that are focused on preventing and healing trauma in our collective.

The fee for this monthly event is £22.22 but we have left it open for you to pay what you can with grace - if this is more, then please do so, if it is less, we thank you for what you can share.

Purchase a one full moon activation, healing, resistance clearing cocreation circle pass. You will gain access to the replay.


£11.11 GBP or more

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