£44.00 GBP

Please read and fully understand the below statement before continuing with your purchase

Yoga is for everyone.

However, when online, it is up to the individual to assess whether they are ready for the class that they have chosen.
Obviously, if you suffer from specific injuries or disease it is best to consult with your physician first.
Similarly if you are pregnant, follow the recommended practice only.

If you think you may be pregnant, let the teacher know AHEAD of the class starting and if you are menstruating remember to avoid inversions, closed twists and pushing yourself at all.

If you are new to yoga, please watch the practices first, before doing them physically. 

When joining the class live, it is your responsibility to let the teacher know of any health conditions or injuries you may have. Please always listen to your body and do not force any movement. Let the teacher know by email or text, if you prefer to not speak during the live class, and make sure you complete and send back the Health form you have been asked to complete

The practice of yoga asanas requires you – the practitioner – to gauge the safety of your practice within your personal
physical limitations. It is better to build up slowly than to force and strain. Whilst one may feel exertion one should also feel

The techniques and suggestions presented in this website are not intended to substitute for proper medical advice.
Consult your physician before beginning any new exercise program.

www.rozyglow.com assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing these techniques.

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Interactive Workshop Pass | Spring Equinox Cacao Ceremony & Yoga Workshop - Seeding StarPEACE

Equinox Spring 2021 …Seeding StarPEACE

Sunday 21 March, 2:30 - 6:30pm

Join RozyGlow for a magical journey with Mama Cacao her sacred medicine. This Workshop includes CoCreation Mediation and MultiDimensional Yoga.
✨ Here we are on the threshold of a new paradigm ✨

But what will it be? New World Order OR New Earth Paradigm?
The days of 'StarWars' are OVER. It IS time for StarPeace. Yet we must seed this now, in the fertile ground of the Spring Equinox so it can germinate, take root and flower through the summer
If you haven't been to a cacao ceremony before it goes something like this:
Opening intention/invocation (5 mins)
Drinking of cacao in circle as we introduce ourselves and reflect on intentions (90mins)
Yoga practice to move stuck stuff (90 mins)
Meditation co creation & Sound bath (30mins)
Closing circle (25 mins)
Total time = 4hrs
* Gentle 'on the back' movements to bring you back into alignment with the womb of creation and your own original sacred blueprint
* Bija mantras to clear and active the 7 major chakras and also the earth star and soul star
* A Divine Architecture Activation and Yin/Yang focused sequence to balance the flow of GIVING and RECEIVING. This sets the foundations for Awakening and Energising our StarSeed within (as our inner masculine, and feminine are in Sacred Union, Nurturing the wounded child into its Divine counterpart)
* Guided CoCreation Meditation to drop you into your still point (zero point) and activate your StarSeed Consciousness so we can each RECEIVE and TRANSMIT the LoveLight codes for the Star Families we come from (Arcturius, Pleiades, Orion, Sirius etc) 

What you'll get:

  • Access to 1 physical yoga workshop
  • Access to the replay if you miss the physical workshop