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Conceive with Ease

Conceive with Ease
Conceive with Ease aligns your subconscious mind with your conscious will. The Emotional-Mental Detox Modules clear your subconscious and cellular memory of negative programming, allowing you to nurture your Divine StarSeed consciously, with Grace and Ease. Start from a clean slate and ALIGN with DIVINE timing for your StarSeed baby.
Lay the Foundations for a Happy, Healthy Pregnancy
Address the Causes
Through applying the Emotional -Mental Detox modules specifically to fertility and pregnancy, Conceive with Ease addresses the underlying, and usually unknown, causes of fertility problems with a root in subconscious beliefs and cellular memory. Clearing our epigenetic blueprint of inherited and unprocessed trauma allows us to create the conditions for a baby to be neurologically wired to thrive.
Prepare your Body
Get to know your body, listen to what it has to tell you, and engage in daily yoga-based practices to bring your body into vibrational alignment. The module content covers everything you would need to address in your pregnancy including nutrition, understanding your cycle, relationship dynamics, stress and fear reduction, relaxation and working with the power of sexual energy.
Clear the Way
The transformation you will experience through this program creates the perfect conditions for a baby to be conceived in. This includes your womb, head and heart space becoming a peaceful place for your baby to develop optimally. We work with the most cutting edge research around a baby's development in utero, preventing trauma and addressing inherited epigenetic conditioning.
Want to have a baby but finding it difficult to get pregnant?
What if you could improve your mental and physical capacity to conceive a healthy, happy baby?
The Conceive with Ease program will prepare you in each area of your life – to balance and harmonise your physical, emotional and psychological needs, so that you can confidently prepare for and meet the needs of a new life.
It will assist you in clearing any family trauma that may have been passed from one generation to the next. This could be present through genetic mutations or through family behaviour patterns and beliefs that may exist outside of your conscious awareness.
Not only will you maximise your chances of natural conception or successful fertility treatment – you will also feel happier, healthy, more confident in yourself, at peace within your own mind and emotions and closer to your partner and those you love.
I wanted to let you know that I am expecting a little Boy - 13.5 weeks in. I was a bit worried about telling people as I presumed it wouldn’t last but baba is looking healthy and strong and I am finally accepting it is true having passed 12 weeks. I just wanted to thank you for all the work we started, almost a years ago now! I will never forget how kind and helpful you were to me. I still can’t quite believe it.

/ Conceive With Ease ClientSoul Family Support & Strength
Just to say thank you for your support on Wednesday eve with my soul family, it really helped to give me the strength for Friday. And it turns out I was fearing the fear …The doc called me in the afternoon to say my ovarian reserve has actually gone up from 2.7 to 5.4 the (normal level is about 11-14) I just can't believe it… The doc said with my positive attitude I should definitely have another go if I feel emotionally & financially ready to do so, as this is just as important as the quality of my egg

/ Conceive With Ease ClientProfound Transformation
The transformation was profound.... I had a greater ability to stay positive, it gave me a new energy and shifted my focus of trying to desperately "get pregnant" to believing and trusting all was happening in perfect timing. Then finally, I conceived again and I'm now 25 weeks pregnant with a chromosomally healthy baby I just can't wait to meet!

/ Conceive With Ease ClientHigh level of efficiency and scientific teaching methods
Rozy resets me when I’m worried. She helps me make calm decisions. She has given me tools I can use whenever I feel challenged. She has made me believe my baby is coming and soon. Rozy was born to do this. Her incredible intuition, wisdom and gentle nature make you feel that everything is going to be ok and I feel calmer and more positive than I have done in a long time. I AM ready for my baby to come.

/ Conceive With Ease ClientHow Chloe became pregnant
Ask, Desire, Believe & Receive
How Despina became pregnant after 7 years of trying to conceive
Course Content
Module 1 | Setting an Intention for a Healthy, Happy pregnancy
- Beginning a dialogue with your body- reducing stress and tension
- Setting the right intention for you…how to word it so you can accept it
- Recognising areas of resistance/blocks & how to transform them
- Getting into the space - how does it feel to be pregnant and knowing my baby is healthy? What sensations do you feel? Where do you feel this in your body?
- Intention-setting practices to keep your vibration high from morning to night
- Yoga based video content for moving around in daily life in preparation for pregnancy
Module 2 | Moon Magic & Women’s Secrets: What can you do?
- Moon diary for cycle, phases of moon & emotions
- Making friends with your womb
- Reducing PMT & self-nurture practices for your moontime
- Breathing practices to balance nervous system and practical tips for regulating your cycle
- What type of exercise/yoga and when in your cycle
- Yoga practices suitable for your moontime
- When to push it and when to rest - sleeping & moon phases
- Clearing womb toxicity (trauma from the past)
Module 3 | Yoga practices for each stage of your cycle / fertility treatment
- Moontime
- Ovulation
- Reproductive health & supporting conception/implantation
- Releasing stress & challenging emotions
- Yoga for better sleep
- Mudras for healthy conception
- Preparing to meditate/relax
- Restorative yoga & using yoga props
- How do you cope with pain? Treating symptoms & causes holistically
- Creating a plan for dealing with your pain triggers
- Oxytocin vs adrenaline & how to switch
Module 4 | Nutrition & Lifestyle secrets for zingy sperm and happy eggs
- Vitality eBook: small changes that make a big difference
- Eradicating toxins in your body & home that affect fertility & health
- Fertility nutrition for every budget
- Women & Fertility nutrition
- Men and Fertility nutrition: Increasing free testosterone for men
- Which supplements truly boost your fertility
Module 5 | Sacred (fun!) practices for couples to do together
- Meet your baby guided visualisation (audio)
- Partner yoga practices
- Partner Breathing practices
- Partner Massage
- Discovering hidden erogenous zones
- Increasing libido, sexual pleasure & intimacy
- Conscious conception
- Discovering your baby's 'song'
Modules 6 - 11 | The Emotional Mental Detox
The Emotional Mental Detox will help you eliminate six core layers of obsolete subconscious programming and the resulting emotional pain that has built up inside you as a result. These layers include:
- Male Aspect Detox – Anger and distrust of men and male energy...letting go of negative associations with the masculine, whether this is patriachy, the grandfather, father, brother or son. Any history of unloving connections with the masculine is cleared, supporting feelings of certainty, safety and trust. Becoming a mother involves a deep surrender within, which brings up feelings of vulnerability. This detox empowers us to make our needs known. Invasive procedures can leave their mark as can any history of perceived disrespect from the males in our lives or from systems of oppression that go back in history regarding the perception of women. This detox begins the journey of a healthy relationship with the masculine.
- Female Aspect Detox – Anger and distrust of women and feminine energy. When we have any negative association with 'the mother' with nurturing, with our sexuality and also our creativity, this affects our perception of what it means to 'nurture' life. All gynecological issues have some emotional root - the 'attack' on the feminine aspects of our nature needs forgiving in order for us to feel safe to grow life. Often we have been taught to feel very disconnected from our womb power. This detox awakens a healthy relationship with the feminine.
- Fear – Anxiety, worry, terror, panic. Many of us have no idea how much fear runs our lives. This manifests as a constant analysis of potential problems in the future, endless lists of things to worry about and a constant need to 'do' in order to avoid uncomfortable thought and feelings. We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with messages through our communication and media channels that trigger a fight/flight response in the body. Over time this leads to adrenal exhaustion and this can manifest as a yoyo experience between anxiety and depression. Most of our addictions exist to mask hidden fears. Subconsciously we just do not feel safe to grow life and so this detox is essential for changing our perception of the world around us. As a result our nervous system can regulate and focus on 'rest, repair, feed and breed' rather than survival.
- Pain – Sadness, grief, loss. Whether we have lost a loved one, we have never fully grieved over, or had to make the heart-breaking decision to terminate a previous pregnancy, experienced a miscarriage, or the loss of a child, this detox allows a full release of all physical, emotional and psychological pain. It is essential we make peace with past trauma, as what does not get healed gets passed on, from one generation to the next. When there are issues with getting or staying pregnant, or there is a known history of trauma, it is always advisable to heal the pain body so the past can be forgiven and no longer influence the present or future.
- Guilt – Judgment, blame, shame. These emotions represent the original 'mother' wound - the womb is a deep dark space where all life is created. When we poison ourselves with guilt, blame and shame, we literally make our body toxic. Self-attack or an attack on those around us or the world at large, is not conducive to life. Would you want to grow in your own womb? What emotions persist within you as your daily narrative about you and the world? This detox teaches self-acceptance and promotes self-esteem. This begins a positive dialogue between body and mind and heart ... just what is needed to make a womb 'baby friendly'.
- Lack – Limitation, scarcity, separation. Do you feel you are enough? Do you have enough? Love, money, intimacy, trust, security? We live in a world where we have been taught there is only a limited supply of whatever we want. Whether this is a low egg reserve, low sperm count, or low bank all amounts to lack consciousness putting us into a state where we feel powerless to access what we need. This meditation connects us to our capacity to be prosperous & abundant in all ways. It creates a vibrational shift that activates a whole new perception of our power as human beings to CREATE what we desire without struggle.
Module 12 | What type of world is your baby coming into?
- Practices and exercises for aligning your lifestyle with your intention
- Preparing the nest - clearing the home of stressful energy
- Making space for a baby in your lives - how do you relax?
- Planning support networks
- Public health and conscious holistic parenting
- How do you feel about….?
Empowering you through to motherhood
Whether you invest in 1-2-1 or group coaching for the Emotional-Mental Detox modules, this holistic programme is designed to make sure you know exactly what to do and when, depending on your own unique circumstances.
The Conceive with Ease module content has been designed by myself, Rosanna, with my 15 years of expertise as a specialist fertility and pregnancy yoga teacher, teacher trainer, doula and Emotional-Mental Detox coach.
If you are serious about wanting to clear out the feelings, emotions and habits which no longer serve you – and make way for the soul that wants to make its way to you – I invite you to prioritise your health and happiness
Please note that this course is NOT a substitute for psychiatric and/or medical treatment and in cases of severe trauma or history of abuse it is imperative that the Conceive with Ease programme is done alongside, and not instead of, therapy/counselling and/or other prescribed treatment programs.