Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
CoCreate Reality
As a MultiDimensional Success Coach I teach other how to CoCreate the Reality they desire by aligning fully with it and clearing all conscious and subconscious resistance to it.
The bottom line is this- we ALL want to be love, feel love, experience love and share love. Any sacred union we have with another, starts as a blue print of sacred union within us. We cannot have true and deep love with another, if we are not able to truly love and accept ourselves, for love is a vibrational state.
And the CRAZY thing is, MOST of us, PUSH AWAY the very thing we say we want (a committed and loving relationship, baby etc), because we are scared of having it. NOT consciously- but deep down.

"I am celebrating finally pursuing a passion of mine (learning to sail) and literally falling into the arms of an amazing man who is truly meeting and matching me in so many ways, making my dreams of paradise a reality.
Working with Rosanna's exclusive 121 coaching has delivered. The blind spots she has lovingly and supportively (with REAL honesty) worked with me on has shown me how I can CoCreate my paradise life aligned with my Divine Blueprint.
I now have a life that has moved from good to FANTASTIC, a loving beloved soul partner who adores me, and an amazing potential for more of what I want and deserve in all areas of my life."
Early influences shape us
We are all impacted by our inherited programming and previous experiences, whether direct or passed down from those who conceived us and/or brought us up.
Our inner masculine, feminine and child is aonly s emotionally and psychologically healthy as those who influenced us most in our early years, and our expectations of the Divine Source - ALL That IS - are based on them too.
Attracting love starts within
So although I don't run coaching programmes called 'how to get the guy/girl in x weeks', I promise you that the essence to everything I teach is the healing of the relationship within.
Once you Love Up the wounds of those inner aspects of you, the magic can truly start happening.
If you are here because you are looking for love, you ARE in the right place.
YOU control your destiny
Having the focus on YOU makes everything you want possible, achievable and much closer than you imagine. The end results you desire are the gifts that come from upgrading your inner circuitry to your Divine BluePrint. This way you can CoCreate Your Personal Paradise in alignment with you Soul Truth.